Completing a forward

When you book a forward trade, you may be required to submit a deposit that is a percentage of the total contract amount. The deposit must be settled when you complete the order for the forward.

To complete a Forward

  1. When you create a forward, and click BOOK NOW to book the deal, the Forward - Complete Forward Agreement screen appears.

    Forward - Complete Forward Agreement page

    Alternatively, on Your Dashboard, under ACTIONS ITEMS, click Incomplete Forward(s) and then click the Edit iconedit icon beside the forward you want to complete.
  2. Review the details for the forward, including the amount of the deposit you need to pay.
  3. From the Settlement Account dropdown list, choose the account you want to use to settle the deal. By default, the Settlement Amount field displays your preferred account. However, if you have more than one account in that currency, you can choose another account from the Settlement Account dropdown list.
    You can hover your mouse over the DETAILS label (located just below the Settlement Account field) to view information about that account.
  4. Optionally, enter any reference information in the Forward Reference text box.
    Note: You can enter up to 250 alpha-numeric characters in this field, but you cannot enter special characters. If you enter any special characters, you will see a message that lets you know that special characters are not accepted.
  5. Click COMPLETE ORDER to book the forward.
    The receipt is displayed on the page.
    The deal is listed in grid at the bottom of Your Dashboard, on the Forwards tab.
  6. Optionally, on the receipt, click the Email icon email icon to send an email confirming the forward contract.
    The Email Confirmation screen opens.
    Enter the email address to which you want to send the message, and add any comments you want to include. Then click Send to send the email.